Activities and Events
8th Orleans Group Activities
Monthly Activities
8th Orleans Scouting Group offers a high quality active, outdoor focused Canadian Path Scouting program for all sections of scouts (Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Venturers, Rovers) at three locations in the east end of Ottawa (Orleans United Church, Convent Glen Catholic School, St. Dominic’s Catholic School) on three nights (Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays respectively). All sections adhere to the components of quality published by Scouts Canada. The Group celebrated its 25th year in Scouting in 2020.
The listed activities take place at the group level. Individual section programming can be found by following the links to the right.
Equipment Day –Scouters and senior youth gather for repair and maintenance of equipment.
New Scouter and New Contact Scouter Orientation (Sat PM) – Scouters gather with the Group Commissioner (GC) and other Scouters for presentations and to discuss protocols and practices.
Necker making bee – Volunteers from each Section gather to sew neckers for new recruits.
Group Camp (last weekend of the month) – All Sections gather for our first camp of the Scouting session. Planned and executed by Crew.
Apple Day (first Saturday of October or Saturday of Thanksgiving Weekend) – Scouters and youth offer apples to the public in exchange for donations at grocery stores in our area.
Annual Voyageur Council Food Drive (Metro locations first Saturday in November) – Scouters and youth participate in collecting food and donations for the Ottawa Food Bank. Crew and Company members sort food at the Food Bank.
Christmas tree fundraiser begins. Members take orders for Christmas trees and swag (garland). This is planned and executed by Crew.
Christmas Tree-Swag delivery (first Saturday in December) – Scouters and senior youth deliver Christmas trees and wreaths to those who have purchased them.
Linking with next Sections continues - Sections with youth moving up to the next level are invited to participate in activities with their new section.
Scouter development month – Scouters and senior youth complete their training and upgrade in standard first aid, skills workshops and religion in life on a rotating basis.
Baden Powell Pot Luck Banquet with Commendations and Awards (Monday following Family day or close to Feb 22).
Group Committee commences next season’s budget preparation.
Shrove Tuesday pancake supper- Scouters and youth gather to host a pancake supper for Orleans United Church. Proceeds are donated to the church, our sponsor.
A Spring fundraising activity takes place as required by the budget.
Linking between Sections is ramped up to encourage youth to continue on in Scouting.
Group Committee completes succession planning for Scouters for the next season. Updated training is completed by Scouters.
Scout Trees (first Saturday in the morning) – Scouts join other groups from Odawa area to plant trees for the environment.
Jamboree on the Trail (second Saturday) – Scouting youth around the world on this day will head out for a hike, bike, paddle
Advancement BBQ with Commendations and Awards (second week) – Scouters and youth to advance formally to their new Sections and awards to be presented.
Ongoing activities:
Regular section monitoring (approximately 2x per month) by Group Commissioner
Month Group Committee Meetings take place - last Wednesday of each month.
Seasonal reports are presented to Group Committee (Fall-Winter-Spring-Summer)
Onboarding new Crew members and Scouters
Commendations awarded as earned
8th Orleans Section Activities
Links to specific Activities and Event pages for each Scouting section:
Home - About Us - Registration - Contacts - Events