Welcome to 8thOrleans.ca
Registration for 2024 calendar year will remain the same, $240. Returning youth can register in August. We are expecting registration to open for new youth in September. Register via www.myscouts.ca or www.scouts.ca/join
NOTE: New registrations may go on a waitlist, as we are still in need of more Scouters and we're coordinating with returning youth as well.
Visit our Registration page for more information.
We are expecting our Cub Packs and Scout Troops to get filled quickly. Priority goes to the youth of our volunteers.
On a good note, we have lots of room in the Beaver Colonies as there are many Whitetails swimming up to Cubs.
COVID-19 Response
As of August 30 2023 - non-medical masks are optional for all members and volunteers when indoors/outdoors.
Colony A - non-medical masks are mandatory when meeting indoors.
Activities and Events
Many of the former Odawa events are returning. Watch the schedules in your Sections and ask your Scouters to include them in your adventures.
Visit our Events page for more information.
Opening of French Sections
Our Francophone Sections (Castors and Louveteaux) opened on January 11, 2023 and have grown in the number of youth
We are in need of more Scouters who are Francophone or bilingual to accommodate the growing demand.. Contact commissioner@8thOrleans.ca to volunteer or get more information. Until we get more Scouters for Louveteaux F, they'll be co-located with Pack C.
Starting November 2 2023, the Francophone Castors F will be moving to meetings on Thursdays at La Source school (1445 Duford Dr.). This move let us move to an Orleans-central location. The bonus of this location is we're close to several parks and hiking trails.
Group/Section Fundraising
Apple Day returning on in October at a couple groceries stores near our meeting locations (October 7 and 21)
Scout Coffee - runs all year round, some truly great tasting coffee
Christmas Trees and Wreaths is running until beginning of December. We deliver to your door a couple weeks before Christmas, between 9am and noon. Limited quantity of trees and wreaths. Our suppliers are all local.
Scout Popcorn, we had some families ask to buy popcorn. Pick the Section you want to support and the profits got to them.
Scout Seeds (https://scoutseeds.ca/), is another Section level fundraising event which runs every Spring.
Meeting nights
Beaver Scouts (5-7 years old)
Cub Scouts (8-10 years old)
Scouts (11-14 years old)
Venturer Scouts (15-17 years old) - inactive
Company - Mondays at Orleans United Church
Rover Scouts (18-26 years old)
Crew - Meeting nights vary depending on member schedules. Please contact rovers@8thOrleans.ca for information.
For more information about the locations please refer to the About Us page.
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